Fat Destroyer

Kybella Fat Destroyer Treatment in Chandler Arizona

Kybella Fat Destroyer Chandler AZ

What is Kybella? Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is an injection that targets fat cells under the chin and eliminates them. The fat cells disintegrate and are absorbed by the body over 6-12 weeks. Typically need more than one vial. KYBELLA® is the first and only injectable treatment that has received FDA approval. It is used to treat moderate to severe submental fat in adults.

This treatment allows you to avoid liposuction because Kybella® mimics the body’s normal fat-absorption process without requiring surgery. Deoxycholic acid, a substance that occurs naturally and aids the body in absorbing fat, is present in the injection in a synthetic form. Your double chin will therefore go quickly. And any problems with self-doubt will as well.


Price varies depending on the number of units used. Personalized estimation of units is discussed at the appointment.

Schedule an appointment online or give us a call today!

What is the Process?

We will begin by evaluating the region before you begin treatment to see if KYBELLA® is the best option for you. The quantity of fat and your aesthetic objectives will then be taken into account as Beverlys Med Spa customizes your therapy.

How is Kybella Generally Given?

You will have several little injections administered during each treatment, and the injection process takes 15 to 25 minutes. Your desired profile and the quantity of fat will determine the precise number of injections.

How Many Treatments Needed?

The number of treatments differs from patient to patient because everyone’s profile is unique. Based on the volume and distribution of your submental fat as well as your individual treatment objectives, we will assist you in determining the number of treatment sessions you require. You shouldn’t receive more than six KYBELLA® treatments, and each session is spaced at least one month apart. 59% of participants in clinical studies underwent 6 treatments.

Why Us for Kybella Fat Destroyer Treatment?

Professional Kybella in Chandler Arizona


Safely reduce moderate to severe fat under the chin.

How Long Does it Last?

This treatment is considered a permanent solution.

Why Us?

We are friendly, professional, and trained to provide this treatment.


What are the common side effects?

Swelling, bruising, discomfort, numbness, redness, and hard spots around the treatment region are the most frequent side effects.

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1727 N Arizona Ave,

Suite 9, Chandler AZ 85225


5115 N Scottsdale Rd,

Suite 44, Scottsdale AZ 85250


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